Saturday, January 21, 2012

River remains skeptical

River comes up alongside the bed, and she has even jumped onto the stool I put at the foot of the mattress so they can climb up easily. But the most she does is look at us for a moment, then jump back down. I am wondering if it is because Simon is already up here with us.

River and Simon seem to have a pecking order, and as the male Simon is the alpha. He eats first, and she waits until he is done. If we are playing with or patting him, she waits by the side of the room and doesn't approach. She looks at us with those soul-piercing eyes as though she thinks we like him better.

She has always been a little more skittish than he is, at least since they have been home with us. He doesn't appear to enforce this pecking order, she simply defers to him. And they both have been more timid and easily startled since the two days of construction (the second being Friday morning, with no advance notice, so we had to herd them into the bedroom again).

I have to keep reminding myself to be patient. Humans don't adjust to new surroundings overnight, and we can't expect cats to either. They are getting used to a new place, with big changes in the routine just within the past week. Then there's the fact that we've started trying to teach them not to jump on hard surfaces (counter, table, etc.) which has involved some mild scolding. Tonight we got some smell-deterrent spray that hopefully will make the counters and table seem unappealing. We continue to reward friendliness with a few treats and lots of playing.

Patience, patience.


  1. I think you' ve said it, that you will be rewarded with patience with the kitties - both of them. Even though they are siblings, they each have their own personality just as people do. River may be somewhat more introverted than Simon is. Some cats are just that way. I suspect that as you continue to give them love and gentle care, she will feel more comfortable and friendly. Simon may continue to be somewhat more gregarious...but who knows? Maybe in another week or two you'll be surprised to find both kitties sleeping on your bed. : - )

    Lots of hugs,

  2. Thanks auntie Erin! That means a lot. :-)
