Friday, January 13, 2012

The Initial Visits

We heard about King Street Cats on NPR; they are a no-cage, no-kill cat orphanage.  That sounded good to us, so on December 4, 2011 we drove down to find a kitty.  Originally we were going to get just one, since our apartment isn't all that big.

We stepped into the cat room and sat down to see who came over to sniff us.  After a little while, this little black cat with incredible blue eyes crawled into my (Shauna's) lap and started purring.  As I scratched her head, the volunteers exclaimed that she had never gotten into a visitor's lap before!  20 minutes later, with her still purring and rolling around in my lap, we decided she had chosen us.

The paperwork was filled out and we were all set, but the little black cat wasn't quite so interested in Sarah.  We were a little concerned about having a cat that only liked one of us.  Sarah was sitting on the floor thinking about it, when this elegant tuxedo boy crawled into HER lap and proceeded to melt into a purring kitty puddle while she scratched his head.

The volunteers told us that he had never done that either!  As the minutes rolled by, Sarah kept making the face that said "we were only getting one!"  Then the volunteers told us that this tuxedo was the brother of the little black cat.  Well, that was that.  We were taking both of them!

We were going to be gone for about 3 weeks for the holidays, so we would bring the kitties home in January when we returned.  During the rest of December we went back twice to visit our babies before the holidays.  This was our visit a week after meeting them, December 10, 2011:

And here was our second visit, another week later, on December 17, 2011:

We spent all of the holidays thinking about the babies and getting excited about bringing them home!

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