Friday, January 13, 2012

First Day at Home

The day after we got back from the holidays, we went to pick up our babies!  On January 11, 2012, we picked up Simon and River at King Street Cats and brought them home.

Here's a video of their first few minutes out of the carriers, cautiously exploring the apartment:

As they walked around looking and sniffing, River (who is very talkative) kept making little brips to her brother, as though to ask, "what do you think?"

Eventually they found hiding places, probably to wait and see if any other cats were going to appear.  Simon hid under the futon, which was good because we could easily see him to check on him.  River disappeared into the bedroom, and for a while we couldn't figure out where she had gone.

Later that day I was putting clothes away in my closet, and I noticed my black boots where in an odd place.  Then I realized that the boots had eyes... River had been silently watching everything in her mysterious, beautiful black kitty way all along.

They continued to mostly hide that evening, since we brought them home around 8:00 at night.  When we woke up the next morning, Simon had found his sister and they were both curled up together in the closet.  At least they used the litter box overnight; one perk of getting a non-kitten, they already know what to do.  They hadn't eaten anything yet, but that's to be expected when adjusting to a new place.

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