Friday, January 11, 2013

One-year homecoming anniversary!!

At this very moment one year ago we brought our babies into our apartment, opened their cat-carriers, and watched as they crept around the various rooms looking cautiously, meowed to each other in a chirpy conversation... and then hid under the green chair for two days.

Since then, they've completely taken over the apartment and our lives with their squeaky, hungry, playful little ways. One year ago we never could have imagined how much we would love them or how their sweet little faces would charm just about anything out of us.

And now we can even attempt an arms-length family portrait, which we might not have tried even a few months ago!!!  Simon and River, our sharp-clawed little darlings, we love you!!


 What's going on?! Why you holding meeeeeee???

1 comment:

  1. So great! Happy one year together with the kitties! Hooray!

