Saturday, January 12, 2013

Massive photo post: December 2012

Part II of the very-late back-posting of photos, this time for the month of December. The theme of "Simon sleeping cutely in Shauna's lap during The Rachel Maddow Show" continues.

Tandem napping... River looks so happy! (December 4)

Why you type on this thing instead of petting meeeee? (December 4)

Simon during and after Rachel Maddow. He's so snuggly!!!
(December 4)

Snoozing and being adorable during Rachel.
(December 6)

Oh, I can't take this talk of the fiscal cliff! Wake me when it's over!
(December 6)

Laptime cuteness! Gawd I can't get enough of that little pink tongue! 
(December 9)

I guess it was a stretch-out-on-the-floor kind of day!
(December 10)

MORE fiscal cliff talk?! Save me!!!
(December 11)

A rare photo of both their faces!! My stately babies.
(December 17)

You type on the warm thing, I'm just gonna nap here...
(December 18)

Three-way napping (this is common in our house!)
(December 18)

My snuggly boy during Rachel Maddow. I love his face in the second picture!
(December 18)

Sleeping under the light, her new favorite spot.
(December 20)

Derrrrrrrrrrrp??? This is possibly my favorite picture of him, ever.
(December 21)

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