Saturday, January 12, 2013

Massive photo post: October and November 2012

Wow, I guess I got behind after I started working that job that I really like! Much less time for kitty-blogging, apparently. Until yesterday I hadn't even gotten pictures off my camera, phone or iPad since the end of October, eek! Lots to catch up on.

So here is a survey of the Fall 2012 Cuteness from Simon and River. I realize I sometimes take more pictures of Simon, but he does more goofy things! River is so dignified and prim that she tends to just sleep curled up gracefully, not sprawled on her back with paws everywhere like the Derp Man. He also tends to be the one who jumps in my lap while we're watching Rachel Maddow every night (many of the lap pictures below are of that).

On the couch watching Rachel Maddow... love that white belly!
(October 25)

 Simon with Sarah's foot
(November 1)

The Derp Man watching Rachel with me (more fuzzy belly!!)
(November 3)

Derp? Streeeeeeeeeetch... he loves it when I sit on the gliding rocking chair.
(November 4)

I'm sitting on mommy to "help" her nap... is that a treat in your hand????!!
(November 8)

I like the ottoman.... especially falling into it while grooming myself....  *awkward slurp*
(November 10)

Sooooo relaxed and comfy...
(November 10)

Cat in a box! River loves it when we get packages...
(November 10)

 Ear rubs and lap time for Little Squeak!
(November 11)

Playing with the rope toy, it somehow ended up draped over her back...
(November 12)

 Lazy babies greeting me when I got back from visiting Rhode Island
(November 19)

I think he missed his lap time while we were gone...
(November 19)

Watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade with my dreamy-eyed boy.
(November 22)

More lap time with the Riverlet
(November 23)

This cat never ceases to make me laugh! Watching Rachel with kitty lap-warmer
(November 25)

Slurp... snooze.... mrph? Simon the lap man listening *intently* to Rachel.
(November 29)

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