Sunday, March 11, 2012

Two months!!

Today we've had the babies exactly two months!!  It's amazing to think back on how shy and cautious they were at the beginning... now they're meowing me awake every morning, dragging their toys everywhere, and greeting us with floomps and purrs whenever we come home.  :-)

Both cats are feeling and looking good since they started on the antibiotics.  We got some pill-pocket treats from Petco, and they have been a GODSEND.  Now the cats just eat up their pills with no trouble!  It sure beats trying to wrap them into cat-burritos and shove the pills down their throats...

It is still nearly impossible to get a decent picture with both of their faces showing.  But here are my most recent attempts:


Oh, were we supposed to look at the camera?

You're holding TREATS! Give us the TREEEEEATS!!!!!!

Oh, floomp it all...

Watching the cars go by...

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