Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Simon ate WHAT?!

Is it motherhood when you simultaneously love your baby and want to strangle them?!

So two weeks ago Tuesday morning (May 22nd), my dad and sister were heading home so we were all getting ready to drive to the airport.  I noticed this white, string-looking thing on the floor of the hallway:

Upon closer inspection, I notice it's made of plastic and has silver and copper wires in it.  Wires?  This looks like part of an iPod earphone cord...


I go to the den, where the day before I had emptied my purse onto the floor. The pile of stuff includes my earphones, except now they look like this:


Simon ATE the left earphone, plus about six inches of the cord (some of which was the remnant I found in the hallway).  I couldn't believe it!! 

I called the vet, and they recommended getting an x-ray just to be sure nothing was blocking his gut (and to be sure it was really him!).  So we hauled both cats in, and $300 later we got confirmation that yes, Simon was the culprit, and the wires had already moved through his intestines pretty well.  The vet said to just watch him, don't feed him dinner that night, and "if you see wires sticking out of his butt, don't pull them."   !!!!!!

He didn't show any signs of feeling strange, both cats were playing and doing their usual thing.  For the next few days, I kept an extra-close eye on the litter box to be sure everything passed through (which it eventually did).

The other fun new thing I discovered, while inspecting the litter box, was that Simon has also been eating our hair elastics (and apparently passing them without issue).

GAH.  Nothing in this apartment is safe from the Jaws of Simon!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the perils of cat ownership. Yes, cats do like to play with hair bands and will try to eat them. I guess you'll have to put them away from now on! Sorry about the headphones, but glad no damage was done to the cat. The headphones can be replaced, but a cat cannot. Maybe you'll have to put your purse away in a closet when you get home or something (?).

    Lots of hugs, and sorry for all the worry and expense,
