Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Precious creatures

Last week I got a letter from PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), which talked about things going on in China involving domestic animals and the fur trade.  I couldn't even read it, I can't handle those things; just glancing at it made me upset.  I'm one of those people that can watch violent movies about humans, but the moment anybody lays a finger on an animal I flip out.  It just affects me so viscerally.  I will never understand how any person can inflict pain or cruelty on an animal.  All creatures are precious, and all deserve kindness.

I sent PETA a check for their current campaign.  And then I went and held my babies so close they were wriggling to be free.  I've been particularly clingy with them this week, patting them every chance I get.  We're so lucky to have them, so lucky that they rescued us.  We know we can't adopt every animal that needs a home (that wouldn't be suitable for us or them), but we're so glad that places like King Street Cats are doing the loving, tireless work to make a difference, one furry life at a time.


  1. I can't read that stuff either...And I am glad that your kittes found a safe and loving home. I am now helping Sue Waller find two more kittens to adopt...she wants orange boys, and my friend LaVaughn who fosters has a litter with orange and peach boys and girls.

  2. I'm so happy the four of you found each other. Your love for the kitties is an inspiration.
