Sunday, September 30, 2012

September cuteness

A few miscellaneous photos from this month:

Sarah is gently teaching Simon to like being held...

 Simon parked next to my hangers while I was doing the winter clothing switch!
My boy is weird sometimes (okay, most of the time).

 Hello. I sit in your lap and look beautiful.

Pretty babies take a break from squirrel-watching to look up at me!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm helping you quilt...

So today was my birthday, and as a perk of being not-yet-working, I spent the day at home sewing!! It was awesome, I finished the T-shirt quilt I've been making for Sarah.

Of course, the cats decided to "help" me...

 River says, "I'll hold this down for you so it doesn't blow away."

Simon keeps an eye on my hand-stitching to be sure it's even.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Laptop cats

Our babies are definitely "laptop cats" in more ways than one... :-)

River says, "make room for me!"

 "Here, let me help you send that e-mail..."

 "Ignore Facebook and PET MEH!!!!!"

"You don't reeeeeeally wanna get up, do you?
You wanna stay here all comfy and warm!!"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fun with Photobooth

Now that I have the foot injury and am spending a lot of time at home sitting down, Simon likes coming to nuzzle me very frequently throughout the day. Of course, he hates being photographed at times like these.

Here he is being embarrassed by me, as captured in Photobooth (I love having a Mac! Also, I have way too much free time right now.)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kitty yoga

I recently learned that I have a stress fracture in my left foot. It doesn't really hurt, but I can't put weight on that foot for 6-8 weeks while it heals, so no dance classes for me. :-( That means I'm doing yoga and stretches on the floor at home to maintain my sanity.

Today River decided to come do some kitty yoga with me!

Simon didn't want to look like a deadbeat, so he curled up at my feet to use his healing powers on my metatarsals.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Funny Ways Simon Sleeps

And to continue the trend, I present the sequel: "Funny Ways Simon Sleeps":

 Mmm, mommy is napping, I will join her!

Curled up and zonked.

 I looooooove your fleece pants, so much that I stretch out against them!

 Wait, too much patting! Must grab hand!!

 Morning lap time snooze.... with my tongue stuck in my teeth....

 More lap time snoozing...

 I press against the futon and twist my head to absorb its futon-energy...

Yaaaaawn, long day of napping, I'm tired...

Places River sleeps

Since there are so many pictures of this (because it's always really cute), I present the series "Places River Sleeps":

 Snuggled up to Sarah at bedtime.

 Nuzzled onto the fluffy red blanket she loves so much.

Burrowed down into the kitty-shaped space between Sarah's knees.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Guard cat....

This is what Simon does when the maintenance guy comes in. Some guard kitty he is!
" he gone? I hide here til the scary man goes away..."

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Another blast from the past

Jumping off of the last post... I was going through my hard drive and found this photo of the picture that was on the wall at King Street Cats the day we were chosen by our babies.

KSC keeps photos with basic information about all the kitties in the cat room at any given time. Simon and River (AKA Scamp and Midnight) look a bit scared in their cage upon arrival, but Simon is being the protective older brother he always was. :-)

Now that we have them at home, I would definitely classify Simon as a "lap cat". :-)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Blast from the past

A few pictures of our babies from before they were ours! I found this image in the King Street Cats video that summed up 2011 for them.  It includes Simon (then known as Scamp) in the upper right corner:

All the kitties in this photo have been adopted, except for Ernie (the orange tabby).  He and his brother Bert, who is also orange and adorable, are still looking for a home. They're really sweet boys, I remember patting them when we were visiting Simon and River at KSC.

I also found the official "portraits" of Simon and River from the KSC website when they were still at the shelter:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DJ Scratch Cats!

So Sarah found this on the SPCA website... it's a cardboard scratching pad meant to look like a record turntable. There are even fake stickers on it that say things like "RUN DOG" and "I Heart Tuna". And it comes with organic catnip.

We're officially obsessive hippie cat moms. :-)

These pictures just show River, but Simon likes it too. :-)