Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ear rubs

River reeeeeeeally likes having her ears rubbed!  This is frequently part of the routine before bed...

Playing in the sheets

I was making a duvet cover out of a set of sheets, so I had everything laid out on the floor, and the babies decided it was a new, giant toy!

Places Simon Sleeps

Here's a montage of cuteness from June and July, which ended up being mostly places that Simon likes to sleep...

Derpin' by Your Feet

Magical pumice stone

The cats are really, really intrigued by the pumice stone in the shower.  Once Sarah made it move at them from over the rim of the bathtub, and since then they have been fascinated!

The did this for a good half-hour, these are just a few of the highlights.

Nighttime Crazies: June 25, 2012

The cats were particularly playful on this evening.  Lots of chasing each other and pouncing on toys!


We got little bubble bottles at a friend's wedding and decided to introduce the cats to bubbles.

They really didn't know what to do!!

Cat on the lap

Holding my cat man on my lap tonight!!!  Arms-length shots are harder with the iPad...

Recent antics

Various shots from the past couple weeks:

Derp? The kitchen floor is nice and cool!!!

If I stare long enough, maybe you'll give me treats...

Bedtime! Curled up in a tight little ball next to Sarah's feet.

Two furballs on the futon... (River LOVES that fleece blanket!)

Huh? Toys?!!

Elevator butt!

Simon looooooooooves how Sarah scratches his head...

Futon snuggling

River loves sitting with whoever is on the futon doing laptop work...

They can now be picked up...

...if they're in the mood!  River resists less if she thinks there might be treats involved...

Morning faces

This is what I see every morning after they've eaten their breakfast.

"After-breakfast treeeeeeeeeeats???"

Window box kitties

Look, it's a kitty palindrome!!

They really do love this window cushion I made for them...

Grandparents and auntie!

My dad and sister, and Sarah's mom and dad, were in town at the end of May for my graduation from grad school.  They brought lots of presents and goodies for the babies, and much cuteness ensued!

Don't worry, we did not feed them treats the whole time, even though this video would have you think otherwise.  The babies did very well with having that many people in the apartment at once.

Catching a bug!

The babies have proven themselves useful for catching six-legged creatures in the apartment... this was some kind of small beetle.

More bird toy...

More snippets of the babies playing with their favorite toy... and some crazies in the middle. :-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Six months!

As of July 11 (never mind that I'm posting this almost a week late...) we have had the babies for six months!! That's a third of their lives!  Wow...

They make us so happy! They come curl up beside us while we're studying or working on the computers.  They snuggle under the covers with us and wake us up promptly for breakfast...

Six months of cute and we still can't get enough!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cuteness Neverending

Simon cuddled up to me tonight and I managed to snap a shot as he wriggled around.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


The cats do this every time we are putting groceries away.
"What's going on?"
"How come we can't help?"
"What are all these new smells?"
"Is that food for US?!!??"

Thursday, July 5, 2012