Monday, May 28, 2012


Sorry for the lack of updates recently!  I've been wicked busy finishing big graduate school projects. :-)

I took a TON of video footage last weekend, when three of the kitty-grandparents and an auntie were here for my graduation so they got to meet Simon and River.  I still need to edit those videos, but they will be posted soon.

In the meantime, I've just put up several new posts with pictures, and most of them are back-dated earlier in May (the earliest is dated May 3).  Here they are:

In the closet!
Birds nesting
Mothers day
Four months!
I'm helping!
Video chat

Anything more recent than May 17 was also posted tonight.  :-)


My dad and sister were staying with us last weekend for my master's graduation (though the program doesn't end until July), so we had set up the air bed on the floor for my sister.

Simon decided it was a great new hiding place.  Peek-a-boo, kitty face!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


They were so cute today, sharing the window seat pillow I made for them...

Love the sun!!

Our babies really do seem to love the sun, they seek it out whenever possible.

Friday, May 25, 2012

On the bed

River loves sleeping on the bed with us, especially since I made the new duvet cover!

So cute, all curled up...

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Sarah has a chicken sandwich.  Simon is hoping she will share.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


The babies are sleeping in parallel formation! So cute.

Monday, May 14, 2012

In the closet!

Simon has spent weeks trying to get into the closet in our entryway, which has sliding doors that don't stay on the bottom track so they can flap open.  Simon has been pawing at them, sniffing, nudging, trying to figure out how to get in. 

Well,  last week he finally got the door open, and now the closet is his favorite hangout.  Here he is sleeping on top of the cat carriers.  Funny, he won't go near those things as soon as I take them out!

Birds nesting

There are birds building a nest in this air vent, which was left open when the tenants moved out of that apartment.

The cats are utterly fascinated.  They spend hours on the bedroom windowsill, watching the birds flying in and out of this vent.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers day

In honor of our first Mothers Day as cat-mommies, we present the first-ever family portrait with all four of us!

(Looks about right, doesn't it?!)

However, we did manage to catch their attention with treats, and got them to do this synchronized stand to earn their goodies:

They always have to stand and balance for their treats; we figure it works off some of the calories they're eating.  :-)  There will be upcoming video of them standing for their treats.

We also got a couple paired pictures for the occasion:

(Can't you tell they love being held?!  We're working on them...)

Happy Mothers Day to all moms!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Four months!

We've had the babies for four months today!! What do they say to that?


Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm helping!

Simon was "helping" me finish my last big project of the semester... by sitting on my lap and being distractingly cute.


He even had his paws in my hand!!

Video chat

What do you do when one mommy is home for her high school reunion? Video G-chat, of course!

Because really, Sarah mostly wanted to talk to the cats. :-)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Too hot, must floomp...

When it's hot, the cats stretch out more.  It's kind of like this (from the Mutts comic strip):

The AC is on in our building now, but the cats would have you think otherwise...

Can't believe I got this sychronized yawn-and-slurp picture.  Two little pink tongues!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

No work! Pat kitty!

Kitty says, "no work on project! Ignore papers and pat me instead!"

Thursday, May 3, 2012


River loves being patted when she floomps next to us.

Big purrs!!!  She loves how Sarah massages her ears.  :-)


River concurs with the "it's too hot" sentiment.

Too hot

Simon says... it's too hot.